I love Deus Ex but I think by that name it is likely done. Nobody cares and if you do care enough to buy it, we can probably expect an even crappier time than the last one, unless you are just a visionary genius, but if you are a visionary genius, you probably do not need to buy a two decade old franchise failure. It is like wanting to buy rights to the Blair Witch franchise. I doubt the name is desirable at this point though.

There is also the chance Square just ends up selling the whole thing off to another group, if anyone out there makes them an offer. They will get the good connections without the bad ones. Deus Ex fans will recognize it, but, the public who recalls the various failures of the Deus Ex brand, but never played them, will not. I could easily envision a new reboot with the name JC Denton as the name of the game. That said, a simple name change could bring the game back, just not the name.

If it happens, it will be low budget and released on digital stores only and will not be spectacular. Releasing a new Deus Ex game is essentially exactly the same as approving a new Starship Troopers movie. If an executive is looking at this, they will not want a new Deus Ex game. Then, Mankind Divided gets terrible press for depictions of apartheid and for a strange presale program few seemed to enjoy. Then, The Fall is largely ignored, and in the end, suffers a lot for simply not implementing any ability to jump. Then, Human Revolution is great, but commercially does not pull in huge figures. Invisible War was hugely hyped, a decent game, but very forgettable. There are several other large examples of renaming to avoid marketing problems, and, Deus Ex is now a marketing problem. As a name, it is much more descriptive of the game, Resident Evil is somewhat arbitrary, but that did not phase them. Why did Capcom decide Biohazard was not marketable in the US? A different company already released a game in the US called Biohazard. Square is a Japanese gaming corporation, and, Japanese gaming corporations, such as Square, Capcom, or Nintendo tend to have little issue with completely renaming a game whether the name actually makes sense or not, in order to avoid marketing issues in America. However, a Deus Ex game could be seen again. Deus Ex as a name is wrecked and will probably never come back.