If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

How to Uninstall GTA 5 PC Mods - GTA 5 Wiki Guide - IG If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your. One easy way to do it is to: track down your original versions of all the files the '.oiv's installed Open the '.oiv's with 7zi GTA V PC Tutorials | How to Remove Mods (Uninstall/Corrupt Game Fix) - YouTube. If not, or you just want to uninstall it completely, you're looking at finding where it installed the files (using 'assembly.xml') & then replacing them with ones from a backup or vanilla files from the game folder. OpenIV GTA5 OIV Removal : GTAV_Mods - reddi Click on Delete all mods and this delete all installed mod files and folders : Look which files / folders you need to delete manually or.