I started it up and it worked fine until I made a new char. NCRCF - Lots of crap and Powder Gangers to loot. Loot Menu Patch This gui has been archived by the uploader because it is out of date and no longer supported. Extract the files, drag and drop the Data folder in your New Vegas folder and allow for merge and overwrite as necessary. For details, please see the respective articles.

The Weapon Mod Menu not working properly I installed Weapon Mods Expanded recently, but I can't modify anything. Tale of Two Wastelands can be a tough nut sometimes if you're running a bunch of mods that lack compatibility. This requires Lutana NVSE Beta 18.1+ in order to work. There is a series of secret codes hidden within informational terminals around the museum. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. *NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Version 7.5.1 *NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix Version 8.1 *Unofficial Patch NVSE Version 1.2.16 *The Weapon Mod Menu Version 1.2 *Just Mods Assorted Version 2.6d *YUP Version 11.9.1 *Mod Configuration Menu-MCM Bugfix 2 *Vanilla HUD Remastered Version 1.83: Option VHR with VUI+ Patch Fallout: New Vegas is a little on the buggy side unfortunately, and can be quite susceptible to crashing to desktop. Even seemingly harmless mods can cause major issues.